When you wish to ship products overseas, we ask you to pre-register with an overseas forwarding company on this EC site. In order to avoid troubles related to transportation, we will not ship directly overseas, so please cooperate.
⇩Overseas forwarding company candidate
・For the whole world
【tenso.com】➡ https://www.tenso.com/en
・For the China
【JPGoodBuy】➡ https://www.jpgoodbuy.com/
The above overseas transfer company is an example. If you know another forwarding agent, you can register with that one.
Thank you.
Choose 【PayPal】 as your payment method!
There have been many cases where customers living overseas making purchases using a payment method other than PayPal are automatically canceled due to suspicion of fraudulent use of the card.
In order to avoid this, please select "PayPal" as the payment method when shopping.